How Should You Handle a Multiple Offer Situation?

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A lot of people have been asking me whether cash is king when it comes to multiple offer situations. While cash is usually preferable to a seller, a cash offer is not always going to win.

This is because there are many other ways to structure offers so that you can win. If you're not a cash buyer but you're offering the same amount of money for the home, you can beat that cash offer with better terms. 

One thing that you can do to please the seller is allow them to choose the closing date. I've seen this work multiple times, and it really comes down to satisfying the needs of the seller. 

Having as few contingencies as possible is another way to strengthen your offer. Sellers don't want to get caught up in a situation where they're dependent upon you.

One last thing that can work wonders is if you write a letter that's personalized to the seller. Some people include a picture of their family and they explain why they want the home, and why they would be a good fit for the property. This can be a good way to make an emotional plea, and it often works.

If you have any other questions about this issue, or if you need help buying or selling real estate in Brainerd, please don't hesitate to contact me!